Random Ramblings

The Personal Blog of Lori Hogan

Big and Small Screen Happenings

On Monday, I saw the movie ”Hotel Rwanda”, which looks at the story of one hotel manager who saved over 1200 Hutu and Tutsi refugees in 1994, when genocide was taking place in Rwanda and no one else in the world would help stop it. The movie is not very violent (I saw worse when I flashed past last night’s ”NCIS” episode), and had a PG rating. But there was no need for blood and gore to tell this story - instead it is told through the sound of gunfire and the threat of militia driving by. It is told by the disappearance of loved ones, the loss of basic freedoms, and the fear of death you see in people’s eyes. It is a very powerful movie, and is made more so because it avoids the obvious violence that could have been shown.

Last night was the season finale of ”The Amazing Race 6”. It has been my “guilty pleasure” of television watching (I know, I know - there have been seasons before this one, I just never got around to watching them). While my favorite team of Kris and Jon did not win (they came second), it was good to see them happy (even if it was acting) at the end. I can’t help but wonder if the get the airline points for all that travel. New season starts in three weeks - and Rob and Ambuh from a former Survivor (which Survivor? I don’t know, I lost count at 22) are on it - yay, another 15 minutes for them!
